Här kommer de sista bilderna från Instagram utmaningen ;)
Day 22 - Dinner
Pizza for dinner today :) With some veggies that missed the picture ;P Got a little help with the letters today ;)
Day 23 - Lifting Weights
Noah and I, working out together ;) He's a strong little kid! Lifting weights and keeping the balance like that :) My training have paid off... Those 3 pounds weights is nothing compared to the 20 pounds weights we're using at the kickboxing...even with Noah on the back ;P
Day 25 - Favorite Recipe
My new favorite recipe is my host mom's homemade sweet potato soup :) It's super good and definitely a recipe I'm bringin home to Sweden! :)
Day 26 - Dessert
Noah and Jack helped me make some dessert today :) Swedish chocolate muffins and chocolate cake... kind of like brownies... In Swedish we call it Kladdkaka ;) It's very yummy :) and unhealthy... ;P But sometimes it's worth it ;P Enjoy a dessert now and then ;) :)
(Jag är väldigt nöjd med denna bilden!)
Day 27 - Workout Buddy
The more the merrier! ;) Today these crazy, wonderful kids were my workout buddies! :D But if I had a picture of all of you that goes to PMAF, you would be today's picture! :) You're the best workout buddies ever! You're the reason why I wanna come to the kickboxing and judo 5 days a week, why I became a member of PMAF in the first place, a big reason why I extended my year here for another 6 months and a huge reason why I don't wanna go home in 2 months! I can't imagine going home and do kickboxing or judo without you guys guys!! :( I'm gonna miss you guys so much!! ;( I just want you to know that you all helped make this the best 1,5 years of my life! THANK YOU!!! :D :)
(Jag blev lite känslosam där för ett ögonblick ;P)
Day 28 - Health
Mental health and physical health are both equal important ;) A healthy life is the key to a long life :) Well, so they say at least :P Live every moment, laugh every day and love beyond words! It's not just a saying... Laughter is strong medicine for both mind and body! :D Make sure to laugh every day, and make someone else laugh too!! It's healthy!! :) ;) Jack and I made our share of laughter today :P :D
Day 29 - Green
Who is greener than the Wicked Witch of the West?! ;) Even evil witches need to stay in shape to be able to cast all those spells ;P Maybe some kickboxing is good to get all that anger out ;) I'll be bet she's eating all her greens too! :P
PS. Look out for flying monkeys!
(Jag diggar denna bilden också ;))
Day 30 - February Goals
There's no way I can do 200 pull ups, 2 is plenty :P I might be strong and able to do everything else on the list... But pull ups are not my thing...yet ;P
Day 31 - After Picture
For you that don't remember...on my before picture on day 1 I was still in pajamas, it was my before I got dressed and brushed my hair picture ;P So this is my after I got dressed and brushed my hair picture ;) It's also my after an hour kickboxing, one hour judo, a shower, five hours at the mall and three hours at my friend's house - picture :P
Sådär ja, det var sista bilden...nu är tävlingen klar! Nu är det bara vänta och se vem som vinner...Hehehe... Är ganska självsäker denna gången faktiskt och kan i stort sätt garantera en vinst! ;) Men jag ska skriva när det blir officiel ;P
Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg allihopa! :)