Day 13 - Motivation
The reason I don't wanna quit judo or kickboxing (or working out at all for that matter) is that I wanna stay fit and healthy and live a long life :) I wanna be the best me that I can be! I only live once.... so I might as well be a badass! ;)
(Ronda Rousey, den blonda tjejen, har svart bälte i judo och har bla. tävlat i OS tror jag det var... Hon tävlar nu också i MMA. I samma veva som jag började på judo och var blond, så började killarna kalla mig Ronda Rousey ;P)
Day 14 - Snacks
We took out as many snacks as we could find and put them on the floor.... And then we buried us in them.... ;P Not the best snacks though.... It's more what not to have as a snack... :P Eat the fruit, vegetables and nuts instead ;)
Day 15 - Plank
I got the kids to do some different planks with me :) Very good ab-exercice ;) Btw, it would be so cool to do the plank like the three girls on the picture, on top of each other! ;P Who's up for the challenge and willing to give it a try? ;) I am!
Day 16 - Strong
Who is stronger than Pippi Longstocking, the strongest girl in the world?! I mean...can you lift a horse?! I grew up with this girl, and all the other Astrid Lindgren (R.I.P) characters. You who have heard about Astrid Lindgren and read her books, here's a fun fact that I hope you already know about her... Astrid Lindgren was Swedish! ;) Btw, in Swedish we call Pippi Longstocking Pippi Långstrump ;) :)
Day 17 - Breakfast
When your throat hurts, you have a headache and just feeling crappie, this is what you have for breakfast... Toast and tea with honey... I hate being sick!
Day 18 - Smoothie/shake
Mix your favorite fruits and veggies (fresh or frozen) into delicious smoothies with a lot of nutrition for your body :) A healthy smoothie/shake helps your body recoperate after a hard workout ;)
Day 19 - Veggies
Veggies are full of stuff that's good for your body! Vitamins, minerals and...stuff :P Haha! The point is; veggies are good for you! Eat your veggies people! And eat a lot! ;) :) Oh, and the two veggie people down to the left.... If you can't tell, both of them are wearing a judo Gi and an orange belt ;P
Day 20 - Yoga
Found some cool yoga poses that cind of looks like the letters PMAF :) I need to work on my P, that one was very hard.... But otherwise I think I did a pretty good job, haha ;P Doing the poses I confirmed that yoga is awesome for your balance! ;)
Så jag hittade den här bilden
Kom då på idén att göra bokstäverna PMAF i yoga poser...Så jag letade runt lite tills jag hittade en pose som liknade ett F :)
Day 21 - Sweating
First day back after being sick and missed three days of kickboxing and judo! I missed it so much! ;( Love being back!! :D And the sweat was dripping, just like it should... Love it!! <3 :D